Catalan Bread


When I was sixteen, I was involved in a Spanish exchange through my school.  Sadly, my exchange partner so hated living with my dysfunctional complex family that she only stayed for a night, before moving in with her twin sister and exchange partner down the road.  A new partner was found for me in the […]

Stuffed Courgette Flowers


There’s a hole in the wall.  A great, big, smacking hole.  The Mother-in-Law – in what some of us in the house may have described as a slightly bonkers move – decided to put a wood-burning stove in one of the bedrooms, at the height of summer. An irregular shaped room, the ‘Orange Room’ is […]

Elderflower, Two Ways


As the elderflower around The Mother-in-Law’s garden bloomed, so did Amy, one of The Lodgers living in the basement.  Heavily pregnant with her first baby, Amy gracefully padded around the house like a lioness last week, as the onset of labour took hold and rested its caressing contractions across her belly.  And as the tiny, […]

Solstice Feasting


Dressed up to the nines, the Husband and I trucked the children out to the countryside on Friday night to celebrate the Summer Solstice. This was a rare opportunity given nights out in finery are highly unusual nowadays, thanks both to my exhaustion levels and my usual uniform of soup-splattered dungarees, which is pretty much […]

Let My People Grow


Good evening. Well, I suppose it’s almost good morning. Why am I working into the night, you ask? It’s not the first time, you know, but it is for love. LOVE, I tell thee. Mind you, not the sort that knocks me over for The Husband or the type that engulfs me in sweetness for […]

Elderflower in the Evening


There was a knock on The Mother-in-Law’s door this evening. A young man, donning a butchers apron and steaming in the balmy Bristol night, stood on the doorstep and asked – with chutzpah Oliver himself would be proud of – “Can I pick some of the elderflower from your drive?” Sadly for him I said, […]