Grapes in Sherry with Ricotta, Almonds, Honey and Chocolate


As with many keepers of young children, the summer has been an all-encompassing time.  It’s also been a time for metamorphosis; and whilst I watch the children grow, I’ve taken on such glamourous roles as ‘the human train’ and ‘the human trampoline’.  The Mother-in-Law – that all-powerful bringer of change – has decided, after all, […]

Baked Tofu Miso Bowl


The Mother-in-Law is on holiday again.  Once more, she’s left The Husband and I to fend for ourselves look after the house. Given the recent news, our uninterrupted domestic duties now also include booking-in and escorting estate agents around our home.  The first and last valuation, which took place a week ago, got me wondering […]

Potatoes alla Puttanesca


It’s been a frantic summer at The Mother in Law’s House.  The garden is outgrowing itself, and has transformed from ‘bohemian wilderness’ into a danger zone of wayward nettles, skin-piercing brambles, and precarious precipices.  (The 7 metre-tall, 100 year-old back wall that collapsed during a storm in the spring – leaving a sea of crumbled […]

Pickling Workshops & Wild Food Walks


This coming Sunday 15 June I will be participating at Gefiltefest, London’s Jewish Food Festival.  I’m incredibly nervous but very excited to be taking part, and it would be wonderful to see you there at what promises to be a fascinating and delicious festival. One of my heroes, Claudia Roden (who is also the festival’s […]

Sticky Aubergine


The Husband has been getting his knickers in a twist.  Yesterday, he was shocked to discover that I have, on many more than one occasion, worn a pair of his mother’s briefs.  The conversation starter arose after I pointed out to The Mother-in-Law that she was wearing my pink stripy socks – a pair that […]

Labneh with Lemon Balm, Wild Garlic & Mint


Every Wednesday night, at around 8 o’clock, The Mother-in-Law’s House becomes a centre for yoga practice for the friends, lovers and key-holders of milady’s manor. The Husband and I retreat downstairs after wrestling cuddling the children to sleep, and then empty the living room of all signs of daytime life. The Mother-in-Law hoovers, I make […]