

We have arrived.  I have been informed by many a Bristolian, since our landing here two weeks ago, that “everyone from Hackney comes to Bristol”.  Well, do they all move in with The Mother-in-Law as well?  Because that’s what we’ve done.

I’m 7-months pregnant.  With a toddler.  The Mother-in-Law has welcomed us with open arms.  (Conveniently, these arms have been in Australia for the past month.)  We’ve been here for two weeks now and The Husband and I have de-cluttered the kitchen and removed the dangerous, non-food-related items from the windowsill (I’m talking nail varnish, weed-killer, and a variety of noxious substances that you wouldn’t want to find next to your morning porridge) and replaced them with my cookery books.   Oh, and we’ve changed the locks.  And the alarm code.

So, this is the point at which I start cooking on an AGA.  AN AGA!  How the heck do you bake a cake without a window?!  And the point at which I start sharing a kitchen with The Mother-in-Law…

Wish me luck.

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